How is it December Already!?

 Has anyone noticed it is December? Where did this year go? And with that I totally apologize for this post being late. Seriously, Mom brain went into full effect over the last 2 weeks. 

Every day, month, and year seems to move so much faster than the last. Our schedules seem to get busier and busier and the days are moving faster. With school, sports, family, and projects, we just lose track of those days. Currently we are trying to finish several projects inside the home along with still finishing up winterizing things outside. I know it seems a little late for that, but we still haven't had a substantial amount of snow. Our goal is to be done with winterizing what we need to within the next week. 

Some of them include painting a few of the rooms in the basement, Getting the garage reorganized, and getting the chicken coop encased to help protect from the wind and the snow. The last one is the most important for me as we don't want our babies to suffer this winter at all. The older girls should be just fine as they have had plenty of time to adjust, but the 10 babies are still pretty young. The positive side to that is they have at least all their adult feathers. And I can honestly say they are the happiest little chickens, even when the "Mommas" are picking on them. Luckily for us, Blue (Black w/ Blue Iridescent feathers) is Momma bear and keeps the babies safe from too much abuse and bullying from Alpha (White w/ Black tipped feathers). Alpha may think she is the top dog, but Blue truly has the heart of our whole family!! Her and Charlie both came from our first hatching of eggs and they are the only two surviving from that hatch. So they truly hold a special place in our hearts. 

But in the midst of all our "stuff" I am also working to get my side business up and running. One that will hopefully allow me to leave my 9-5 job and focus on things at home. Which will be fantastic in the long run so that when we buy the farm I can focus solely on that as well. But building a side-business can take time and unfortunately I tend to be impatient. But I refuse to give up. I will not let my own limiting beliefs tear me down. Not this time. 

I also am working on getting started on our garden for next year. I plan on ordering mostly heirloom seeds from small family owned businesses. The main reason is Heirloom seeds are passed down each year. They are saved from the same plants and the family just keeps harvesting. The benefits of Heirloom seeds is they are meant to grow year after year. And they are meant to grow beautiful healthy foods from their own seeds, and bonus they are a LOT more likely to have each seed sprout. Which means they tend to taste better and have a lot more nutrients.

I am not trying to hate on any seeds whatsoever. But the seeds that are found usually in the big box stores that come in the packets. Are usually grown from plants that have been modified in some way so their seeds don't grow if you save them. They are one-off situations so trying to save seed and sprouting seeds from them is very unlikely. Not impossible, but unlikely. They also tend to be a lot more lacking in the nutrient department. They may look beautiful, but they might not have the flavor and nutrient value that the original plants are meant to have. 

So shopping for seeds is going to be fun, and challenging but also exciting. Now on to the list of what things we are going to grow. 


It May be January, but we are Building!!


Winter is Coming!!!