Farm Blog

Anne Burnside Anne Burnside

Who Would have thought….

Amelia’s Birth Story and how would anyone have known that I would have to children born two Emergency C-Sections both due to similar medical conditions.

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Anne Burnside Anne Burnside

Where Did That Come From?

A snowstorm in October. The highest on record for snowfall in West Michigan for a single day in October, let alone the entire month. A slow down was a requirement for our family, clearly.

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Anne Burnside Anne Burnside

Tips for a great Garlic Harvest!!

Garlic is one of those easy crops to grow. You throw it in the ground and the next year you have it. Then you throw some you harvest, back into the ground and the cycle continues. But here are some tips that have helped us along the way.

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Anne Burnside Anne Burnside

IT WORKED!!!! For Now

Experimenting is fun, but when you don’t think they will work, it is even more exciting that it does!!!!

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Anne Burnside Anne Burnside

All About The Seeds

Yes, it is the middle of January. But that doesn’t mean we just sit around and wait for Spring to start our garden. We need to start now!

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Anne Burnside Anne Burnside

The First Step!!!

One house sold, now on to the next. One step closer to our family dream!!

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