Organization and chores! Where do we even start?

How do you get your kids to do their chores? Or even stay organized for that matter?

With starting the farm I have been working on getting the kids used to doing chores every day and trying to get the house organized in a way that works for our family. We may not be on the farm yet, but getting them used to the tasks now, will help them in the transition. As they will come to find more chores will be thrown to them, since I, and Justin, will not be able to do everything alone.

As a way to help us get the kids’ chores organized, we decided to make a chore “chart”. It isn’t really a “chart” but it works for us. We have 3 pockets and each one is used for something. One is for the daily chores, one for weekly, and one pocket is for them to put their completed chores in. At the end of the day all the daily chores get moved back to their respective pocket. And we do the same at the end of the week. So far this has been working for us and the kids seem to enjoy this process.

This also helps us get and keep the house somewhat cleaner! Which helps me to focus on getting the house organized and the remodel projects completed.

Now on to organization. This is where I am struggling and working on it. We finally have the laundry to the point the kids can sort it themselves through the use of a 4 section Laundry Basket. Now, every other day one of the kids sorts the laundry for their room and the bathroom (I, of course, sort our own).

Our Food storage room is still a work in progress. I try to put all of the foods that the kids tend to eat on shelves that they can reach, with everything else up higher. However, it still isn’t to my liking. It still just doesn’t feel right, but it works for now. Currently it is filled with store-bought canned goods and other products. Our garden did not produce the way I wanted last year so we were not able to preserve as well as I would have liked. This year, we are hoping that will change with all the knowledge gained over the last two years.

And that leads to our next organization section. Well, lack there of, I should say. Our seeds, and seed start station. Slowly but surely we will be getting this area organized. Right now, we are focusing on just getting seeds started. I did order some new ways to help get the seeds, specifically, organized. Hopefully that will help keep everything straight. I have a feeling I am going to have to order some more boxes. But for now, this is a good start.

With combining our separate families into one, we have to reorganize our lives. That is the process we are in now. It may be a slow process, but it is well worth it.


IT WORKED!!!! For Now


All About The Seeds