Wow, it sure has been a minute!!

Wow!!!!! It has been a minute. Life got quite crazy and I began to lose myself, my motivation and my happiness. I started to forget who I was and why I am doing what I am doing. So I took some time to redirect and reflect. For the past few months I have been trying to work and just figure out what I needed to get myself back.

During that time we decided we wanted to try our hand at hatching more chicks again. Our kids and family love seeing and experiencing the process and it brings joy to our household. Well, when we decided that, it hit us. Our current coop is TOO small for our chickens now. And they have been so good to us that they deserved a new and larger coop.

Now, we are in the middle of completing our remodel, so we decided to take a step back and focus on the new coop, because our girls definitely deserved a lot more space. But we also didn’t want to spend a fortune. So we went on a hunt to find pallets. We found as many as we could that we didn’t have to pay for and we used as much wood and supplies from around our house.

We pieced it together in such a way to make it easier to take down and put back together. It works and it looks like a crazy coop. But it is perfect for us and what we needed right now. It truly shows the ingenuity of a homestead mindset. The using what you can and building with what you have access too. Our girls are happy with it and there are some things that I will change on our next builds but for now, I love seeing how much they love it.

The size is incredible. They went from a 3ft by 6ft coop that was barely 3ft high, and are now in an 8ft by 10ft coop where Justin and I can easily stand up in with plenty of space above our heads. They have so many roosts now, and a lot more nesting boxes. They can dig in their coop and actually enjoy it. They have constant light too. and what I mean is when the sun is up they have a bright open coop.

Now that the refocus of the coop is done, it is back to the focus on the last room in the house. Then we can focus on our dream homestead.


Where Did That Come From?


Off-the-Charts Alkaline Soil - What we did to fix it!