Sometimes You Just Need a Break!

At the beginning of the year we had planned a trip. The kids were excited and it was mainly planned for the adults as it was something that has been on our "bucket list" for quite some time. We had planned a trip back to Mackinaw City, MI. One of our favorite places. The kids love it and beg to go up North constantly, and we recently found out that there is a National Dark Sky park outside the city. Well, the plan was to spend a whole week up there and one of the clearest nights we would go to the Park when it gets dark and watch the Perseid Meteor Shower. It just so happened that the clearest night was luckily the night that the shower would be at it's peak! Who would have thought. 

Well, lets start from the beginning of the trip. We headed up North knowing there might be some rain the first few days. SOME RAIN was definitely an understatement. Our campsite was practically flooded half the time. Luckily our tent stayed dry, but after a while we got sick of plain sandwiches. Somehow we managed to get a fire started in the rain and cook a meal, and somehow those coals stayed hot and burning through the rain so when it stopped later that night we were able to get a roaring fire burning and make some decent food for the adults.

The trip definitely was not lacking the fun, though. We went into the UP several times during that week. The first trip we took the kids to the Sault Ste. Marie Locks so they could watch the boat lifts. They were all in awe at that feat of engineering. Then we stopped at a few scenic overlooks that had some amazing views and managed to squeeze in a trip to the Mystery Spot before yet another storm rolled in. If you have never been to the Mystery Spot, it is quite interesting. Something about that place causes everything to be pulled to the East, you are more comfortable leaning than you are standing straight up. Climbing up onto a two foot ledge is easier than dropping those same two feet. Sitting on a wall is normal, and water moves uphill rather than downhill. Recommend if you have never been.

The next day we had a spot of good weather and the kids begged us to go to the Island. We planned not to go this trip due to funds being tighter than normal with trying to sell my house, but we decided it would be worth it. It was definitely worth it and not at the same time. The kids thought the boat ride there was amazing and had fun seeing the main street, all the bikes and the horses. We walked for almost a mile and a half when we noticed the kids were starting to get tired and turned around to go back to the boat with a stop back on Main Street for the kids to be able to pick out something with their own money. I am not going to sugar coat the fact that my daughter decided she had to have this one toy, which she didn't have enough money for (by quite a bit) and so I had to tell her she had to find something else. Well with a tired child that also forms attachments to objects, that NO just blew up in my face and we walked down main street with a screaming child. There was more but I will save that for my brain to delete at some point.

However, the trip did get better. A few days later our friends and my Mom showed up to join us camping. The kids were excited and even more adventures awaited. Now back to the Dark Sky Park. The day everyone showed up was the perfect night, or so we thought. We went to the Dark Sky Park and had to walk a good mile or so to get to the beach where the official park was located. We found a perfect spot for all of us and looked up, only to find clouds had rolled in on our walk. We managed to catch glimpses of the moon here or there, but otherwise we waited. We were not going to miss out on this. After about an hour the skies opened up for a bit and the kids started seeing the meteors and noticing the constellations and became extremely excited and fascinated. Once the clouds rolled in again, we left. Young kids and staying up till midnight is not a good mix.

The next day we took a wonderful trip back to the UP. Headed to Whitefish Pointe, and Tahquamenon Falls (both the upper and the lower). The kids had fun and it had been years since I was there and the SO has never been there. So good time all around. On the way back to the campground we stopped at a fish market. Hoping to get the good smoked fish from up North. Who knew they would close at 4:30p on a Friday. So we went back across the bridge to the Campground for a delicious meal of Steak and Corn on the Cob over the fire. 

The last day up there we took some time and checked out Mill Creek. I highly recommend the Discovery Park. It is so fascinating to see the history of that area. The forest is gorgeous and who would have known the forest there is less that 150 years old. But that whole area was clear cut then and everything is new growth. Yay, for a forest win of coming back. We love our forests, and we learned so much about them. Plus we got to watch this awesome Lumberman show us the oldest method of cutting and prepping wood, and the "newer" (back then) method, using water as an "electric" source. Again Highly recommend especially for families.

But, alas, any trip must come to an end and this girl and her family had to come back to reality. So here we are home and working just like normal. But we are getting closer to our goals so I won't complain on bit. Next time I will let you know of the workings going on at the house, both the old and the new. Lots of updates for our chickens to make them even happier, and healthier. Plus the garden (which is currently a disaster with weed overgrowth), but that will all be remedied shortly.


Chicks Are Here!!!


The First Step!!!