The First Step!!!

For the past several weekends we have been busy not only with summer sports, but also with prepping my old home for selling. I bought this 100 year old home 4 years ago, almost to the day and have loved every second of living in it. The creaky wood floors, the old cast-iron tub that needed to be redone, and even the creepy basement. It all felt right when I purchased the home. I walked in and even my Mom could sense, it was my home.

The memories alone had me crying after the first load of stuff was moved out of it. My daughter turned 2 in that house, she moved from her toddler bed to her big girl bed, she even started riding lessons while we lived there. And our all time favorite things, we found our puppy, and met the boys that would help us build our family and our future home.

Deciding to sell the home was always in the plan since the beginning of Covid. We had a plan that we would finish the work on both our houses and sell them at the same time to have a large down payment on the farm. However, all that thinking changed when the stress of remodeling and running two separate homes was getting to us. I won't deny, anxiety had a very strong hold on my heart and health for several months. I am still dealing and pushing through it. We decided on the sale of my home for several reasons. One, mine was the closest to being completed, I only had finishing touches really left to do. Two, mine is in the perfect area to sell in, a tourist town walking distance from all the festivities and only about 2 miles from the beach. And Three, mine would more than likely get us the bigger bang in regards to a down payment on the future home.

Now comes the fun part, how quickly can we get moved in and get the house up for sale. We decided to put a deadline of the weekend before our next vacation. Which in retrospect, was not a great time. It was short and we were unable to finish everything before the vacation. We extended the time line out just a little. Enough for me to get the house to the perfection it deserves. It definitely deserves to show at it's best. And I will make that happen. The anxiety is still high and still running rampant. But I also know I will get through this. No matter what. Our dreams will happen, they just might not be in the timeline we had hoped or wished for.

Now with this move, a lot of things will surely become easier on us. I will be closer to the garden and chickens. Which means I can monitor them closely and hopefully we won't lose anymore crops to becoming overripe and rotting. And also working on this house will be a nightly venture rather than a weekend or every other weekend project. On to the next phase, and it sure looks to be an exciting one.


Sometimes You Just Need a Break!


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