Welcome to our Crazy Show!!

I want to first off say Thank you!!!! Thank you for joining me and my family in the crazy world we are living in. I hope I am able to show you the good, the not-so-good, the tough, the hilarious, and the love we experience daily in our lives.

Before we start on this crazy journey, I want to tell you where it all started. And for that we have to go back to when the dreaded Covid Quarantine hit. So go back to March of 2020.

My Significant Other (SO) and I had been together for just about a year. Covid hits and we are living in separate houses and finding it extremely hard to find the foods we need, let alone toilet paper, to feed our families. After a few months we decided we had enough and began to plan out and start building a massive garden, at least massive in our eyes. That was the start to the sustainable life we decided we wanted for our family.

But that was only the beginning. We then decided on getting chickens. Why not hatch our own and start having chickens for our own eggs?, we thought. So we began researching again. Searching for the best products we would need to hatch our eggs. Got help from friends with finding our first hatching eggs. So at the beginning of December we put some in an incubator and waited the 21 days till "birth" day.

And on New Years Day we started hatching our first Chicks. Boy, was that a rough weekend. We were all so nervous and excited we could barely sleep. We even had a live stream web cam on the babies the whole time so that friends and family could enjoy the show.

Going into taking care of chicks ended up being a lot harder than we anticipated, however, it was also the best thing we could have done. Our kids loved the experience from start to finish. They loved on those chicks more than anything. The kids learned so much in the little time they were inside, and so did we. We even rebuilt an old dog house into a chicken coop. That is definitely a story for another time. But with the hatching of chicks, you also get sick or injured chicks and sadly one of them did have to be euthanized for its own sake. It was injured shortly after it hatched and unfortunately, it hid it well enough that we didn't notice the injury till it was too late. So sadly, we lost one of the favorites. But with that experience we grew and we still care and love our chickens, but we also know the reality that in the future we will not have them just for eggs, but for meat as well.

Now after that experience, growing our own food just made sense, we were tired of relying on the grocery stores for food that we had no idea how it was grown. And that started the thinking for the bigger picture of owning our own farm. And here we are today.

I am currently in the process of selling my home, so we can start the process of finding our new forever farm. We have plans for a slow growing but massive picture, again, massive to us. We want to not only provide quality food for our family and extended family, but we also want to sell our produce and meat as well. We want to turn our hobby farm into something bigger.

So again, Welcome to this journey and we Thank You for joining us. We are looking forward to sharing it with you through the whole process!!


The First Step!!!